Virtual Britsburgh Live: ...Puttin' on the Ritz - César Ritz and His Hotels

05/07/2020 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET


History Society Event


  • Free


[No City], PA
United States of America


Virtual Britsburgh Live presents.... 

Puttin' on the Ritz - César Ritz and His Hotels


"Ritzy" has become synonymous in the English language with opulent elegance.  This program will explore fascinating aspects of several of the hotels founded or managed by the great Swiss hotelier including, in London, The Savoy, the Carlton (now defunct), and the London Ritz, as well as the original Hôtel Ritz in Paris.  We'll present an overview of Ritz's life and the history of some of his best known hotels, with special attention to his enduring influence and legacy; explore his collaboration with master French chef Auguste Escoffier, one of the first celebrity chefs and inventor of the famous Peach Melba dessert; examine Ritz's role in the advent and popularization of Grand Marnier liqueur; and disclose some of the most famous guests who have patronized these most luxurious of hotels, among them Coco Chanel, iconic fashion designer, who resided at the Paris Ritz for over 30 years, including, infamously, during the German occupation in World War II.


The program will consist of four parts:

  1. Kim Szczypinski of Britsburgh's History Society and Duquesne University will give a brief overview of the life of César Ritz, the history of his most famous hotels, his collaboration with Auguste Escoffier, and their lasting collective influence;
  2. The tradition of Afternoon Tea at the London Ritz, considered by many to be the best afternoon tea in London, will be explored and include a demonstration by Roger Cranville, one of Britsburgh's founders and a current board member, who will show us how to make a proper British cup of tea worthy of the London Ritz itself!;
  3. Kim Szczypinski will demonstrate of how to make Escoffier's Peach Melba, which he originated at The Savoy, and how to prepare a London Ritz-style Buck's Fizz versus the Paris Ritz-style Mimosas; and,
  4. Deborah Popp Gilbert, Britsburgh member and Vice President of the Elizabeth Township Historical Society will give a talk and a slide presentation on the life, fashions and influences of Coco Chanel during the first half of the 20th century, the heydey of the hotels founded by César Ritz.  Her presentation will include her thoughts on the controversially alleged collaboration of Chanel with the Nazis, when the Paris Ritz, where she resided, was used as the headquarters of the Nazi Luftwaffe captained by Herman Goehring. 


About Virtual Britsburgh

Starved of theatre, literature, cultural activities? Yes? Good then this is for you. Britsburgh is talking its activities into the virtual realm! In a series of live events in the coming weeks streamed online using the Zoom Video Conference App, you will experience aspects of theatre, readings, history, interviews and more. Once you log on, your Virtual Host will make sure you can see and hear us, but we can’t hear or see you. The events are live and the experience is remarkable!


How to watch Virtual Britsburgh?

  1. Register for the event - It's free!
  2. Donate what you can. We suggest $10 per person. Donations received during registration will be split 20% Pittsburgh Food Bank; 80% to Pittsburgh Virtual Tip Jar, organized by the Center for Ethics and Policy of Carnegie Mellon University, supporting your waiters and bartenders who are not currently able to work. Registered and forgot to donate? No worries click here. Thanks
  3. During this difficult time Britsburgh will give all money collected to those in need. However, if you like what we are doing we ask you to consider becoming a Britsburgh member that will help us through the next year.
  4. You will receive a registration confirmation with a link to the event and a password.
  5. We suggest you join the event 10 minutes before the event start time. You will be placed into a waiting room where you event host will check you against your registration. If you have not registered you won't be allowed into the event.
  6. The audience will be able to watch but your event host will make sure we can't see or hear you. If you wish to ask a question you can do so by using the chat function or in the Q&A section you can raise your hand and the host will unmute you.
  7. Adjust your Zoom settings. To fully enjoy the performance you will need to adjust the settings on the Zoom app so you can only see the performers, and not the whole audience. Here are the instructions on how to do it. But don’t worry, we’ll make sure everyone is ready before starting the event! 
  8. Important: Please make sure your Zoom name is your full name so that you can be ticked off the registration list. If the host cannot identify you, you will be ejected from the event.


This presentation is open to everyone.


Explore fascinating British-themed topics with the guidance of experts and enjoy the company and conversation of fellow enthusiasts as a member of the Britsburgh Society. Society members enjoy our Britsburgh Arts Society, the Britsburgh Beer Society, the Britsburgh History Society, the Britsburgh Literary Society and the Britsburgh Tea Society. If you are not already a member, I would like to invite you to consider becoming a Britsburgh Society member. To become a member, visit the Britsburgh membership page.




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Building bridges across communities by driving growth in British-American culture, history, education, tradition and trade in Pittsburgh.


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